Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Class Reunion

It's been a couple weeks since I posted.  I was busy wrapping up the last minute details for my 20th high school reunion.  It is finally over and it was a great weekend!  I wasn't able to make the Friday night social time because I felt I needed some time to spend with my parents since I knew my husband and I would be socializing with classmates most of the weekend.  But we were able to make the Saturday night dinner and dancing and the family picnic on Sunday.  I helped to plan the weekend and I was amazed at how well the entire weekend went!  I was sorry there were classmates that couldn't make it in for various reasons, but I'm hoping more will be able to join us next time.  If you are going to be planning a family reunion or class reunion, there are a lot of reunion planning sites out on the web.  Utilize them and it will make your life so much easier.  Our committee was able to plan our entire reunion without even sending out any mailings.  Most of our classmates had email access, or were on Facebook.  The few classmates that didn't have internet access, we were able to communicate in person.  I'm glad the event is over, but now it is just to wrap up some of the final details... posting pictures on our reunion website and putting together a memory book of the weekend!  I'm already looking forward to our next get together!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

VBS & Baby Girl

The boys are attending Vacation Bible School this week from 6:00 to 8:30 each night from Sunday until Thursday. I was actually really excited, not only because they would be learning some great things and having a lot of fun; but also because I would be down from 3 to 1 kids for 5 nights this week. (Is that bad?) I kept thinking about everything I could get done and the fun I would have being able to just have some Mommy and Maddy time. However, it is already Wednesday night and I don't think I've gotten anything more accomplished. I have enjoyed the time with Maddy, but she has decided to be fussy this week and not want to sleep in the evening. It has definitely cut down on getting things accomplished this week. However, the boys are thoroughly enjoying Bible School and come home bouncing off the walls from all the fun times!

Madyson has learned how to rollover, which is a great accomplishment in baby land. The only problem is that she rolls herself over while she is sleeping and wakes herself up! She hasn't quite figured out how to roll from her belly to her back, and therefore, while on her stomach she begins to snuzzle her mattress and decides she wants to nurse. That is when the screaming begins and Mommy has to come to her rescue. She has also decided that she doesn't want to take a bottle at daycare and is giving poor Kayla quite the time. She will gladly eat her cereal, but she doesn't want her milk. In fact she only drinks about three ounces daily while at daycare. (Which might explain why she is nursing so much in the evenings once I am home with her.) Kayla was concerned that she wasn't eating enough, but as you can see it doesn't seem to be hurting her growing! She is still my chubby little baby.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another day/weekend gone by

Well I didn't get everything accomplished on my list once again.  But isn't that normal for those moms that are out there.  I guess that makes me feel better because I know I'm not alone. :)  I did get most of the laundry done, at least enough that we shouldn't have to run around naked this week!  I did get shortcake made and Strawberry Jam.  Yum!  We only ordered out one night and I cooked the rest of the weekend.  The kitchen is cleaned up and it is almost bedtime.  I do need to make sure that bills get paid (or at least the urgent ones) before bed.  The rest will have to wait until another night.

A couple of years ago I started making freezer strawberry jam.  I remember my mom canning jelly when I was a kid and using parafin wax to seal it.  Freezer jam is so much easier.  My sister in law showed me how and I love it!  It only took me about 1 hour last night to make two batches.  I think this summer I might even try making Peach Jam.  I use the recipe on the Sure-Jell box and it is so easy.  Then we have homemade jam all year long!

Well I know this is a short post, but the bills are calling my name and my eyes are already closing.  Another weekend gone by and another week will begin.  Have a good one!

Friday, June 4, 2010

The 1st day of my weekend

Ok, we had haircuts for the boys at 9:00 AM this morning.  Yes, as usual Tina (the hairdresser) and I had to bribe the boys to sit still by promising the ring pop when they were done.  I know it was 9 AM, but for her sanity as well as mine we have resorted to bribery!  I'm not too proud.

Then I was daring and ventured to the grocery store with all 3 kids by myself!  (I know, I am crazy)  It went ok.  Carter wanted to get the cart that had the car attached.  I told him he wouldn't fit in it anymore, but of course he insisted.  Eventually he ended up walking, while Nate was in the car.

We came home and had lunch.  Maddy is now napping and I'm looking around at everything I need to do and decided to procrastinate for a few.

On the list for the rest of the day:

1.  Wash bird doo-doo off the car (I swear they dive bombed my vehicle!  What did I ever do to them?)
2.  Run into to work to share some black-eyed susans with a Sandy, at the office.  The flowers are taking over my flower bed and I just can't bring myself to throw them away when I am thinning them out!
3.  Drop of some donations at the daycare for the upcoming yard sale.
4.  Figure out what we are having for supper.
5.  Make pasta salad, strawberry shortcake and possibly mix up a tossed salad to have ready for easy grabs this weekend.
6.  Get Carter ready for his last baseball game of the season tonight.

Since we need to be at the field for the game by 5:30 I guess I'd better get steppin'!  We'll chat later! :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Welcome to my world!

Welcome to my world! It can be a scary place sometime, but I think it is also a lot of fun. I'm hoping that as you follow what I have to say you'll learn something and get to know me a little better. I hope we become "friends" as much as that is possible in the virtual world. A new friend in my life, Jess, encouraged me to do this. I'm sure it will be a little rough around the edges at first, but I am hoping to refine it as the days go on.

I find that it is in my nature to look at the bright side of things without even realizing I'm doing it (at least that is how I see it, I hope people that know me would agree). I think I am usually a half full kind-o-girl. I also find that I teach without even realizing I'm teaching. No matter where I go or what I'm involved in, I step into the "teacher" role. And I organize everything! It comes so naturally I don't even realize I do it! My friend Jess said I should start a blog. She thought a lot of people would enjoy hearing about my day to day life and what I seem to do so naturally. So join me, I make no promises... but here we go!
